Retired Major-General of Justice
Chairman of "International Society of Disabled People" PU, founder and editor-in-chief of "Alillar Dunyasy" newspaper, member of Azerbaijan Journalists' Union, Golden Pen Media awardee, chairman of "Turkish World Turan Thought Center" PU, Karabakh war veteran, 1st group disabled
AMEA Fəlsəfə İnstitutunun aparıcı elmi işçisi, fəlsəfə elmləri doktoru,"Qabaqcıl maarif xadimi"
Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of BEC IB, First Secretary of the Ministry of Education
This bank account of the Public Union "International Society of Disabled People" is in great need of financial assistance from well-wishers.
On behalf of the community, we thank you in advance for every good thing done.
Azərbaycan Beynəlxalq Bankının “Sənaye” Filialı
AZ 82 IBAZ 38090 01 944 2609752 211- AZN;
AZ 72 IBAZ 38190 01 840 2609752 211- USD